Action Items

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What are Action Items?

Action items are items which have actual functions. They may be used for various purposes from pranking to invisibility to creating custom events and more. They vary in rarity and value - from inexpensive and common to rare and costing millions of galleons to purchase.

Which items are used for pranking?

For a list of prank action items, effects, and cures, visit the Prank Items section of the Knowledge Base.

Which items have functions other than pranking?

The majority of the items listed below are multi-use items which will remain in the owner's inventory (or Trophy Case, if applicable) after use. Single-use use items, meaning they will be removed from the owner's inventory (or Trophy Case, if applicable) after use, are noted with an asterisk.

Item Name Action
Bean Holder When equipped, this item can be used to display Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.
Beater's Bat When equipped, this item sets a preferred Quidditch position of "Beater" or "Reserve Beater" on the owner's user info page.
Bludger When equipped, this item sets a preferred Quidditch position of "Beater" or "Reserve Beater" on the owner's user info page.
Bubble-Head Charm* This item allows the user to breath underwater when visiting the Cave Under the Lake. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Candy Cane Gram*

You can send a message to another user with a Candy Cane Gram. The user will receive a message on top of their screen, which they can then click to view the message. The message can be sent with your name attached or anonymously. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.

Cards (Birthday/Get Well Soon/Thinking of You)

Send one of these cards to a friend to wish them a happy birthday, to get well soon, or to let them know you’re thinking about them. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.

Cedric's Watch**

Cedric's Watch allows a user to create a thread and delay the public posting of it until the designated time. Up to three threads may be queued at once. Instructions.

Charm Box Available in a variety of styles, when equipped this item may be used to display charms. Only one Charm Box may be equipped at a time.
Charm Bracelet Available in a variety of styles, when equipped this item maybe used to display charms. Only one Charm Bracelet may be equipped at a time.
Color-Changing Ink (CCI) This rare ink well is used to choose custom text color preferences for the owner's posts.
Cupid's Arrow* When you add two usernames it will show a message on top of the screen saying ‘USERNAME LOVES USERNAME’. You can only add a name if they’re a recently active member on the site.
Death Eater Mask The Death Eater Mask will replace the owner's username with "Death Eater" for as long as the user has it equipped.
Dumbledore's Army Coin The Dumbledore's Army Coin is used to send custom events to the users of the owner's choice. Events can be coded in HTML. Instructions.
Elite Marauder's Map When equipped, this item allows the owner to see which users are on HEX in real time with no refreshing of the page.
Elixir of Life** The Elixir of Life restores any lost health points and also increases the user's health to 5 times the normal amount of health points. It is a multiple use item.
Enchanted Scoreboard** This item allows the owner to post messages which will appear on a scoreboard on top of the Shopping Forum areas. You are able to use it to advertise, link to somewhere on the site, or just post a message. Once posted, your message will remain for three days (72 hours) and will rotate though all active Enchanted Scoreboard messages by other users. Refreshing the page allows you to see a different message. You may change the message you'd like to display at any time.
Filibuster's Waterproof Fireworks* This item will set off colorful fireworks in a a specified forum. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Fortune Token* When Transfigured, Professor Trelawney will share a fortune with you. With each fortune she foretells, you have a small chance to receive progress towards the Prophetam Tempus spell, a boost to your MP, or additional fortune tokens. Additionally, when using the Prophetam Tempus spell, you can use five Fortune Tokens to change the options you are presented with. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Gillyweed* This item allows the user to breathe underwater for an hour and can be used to visit the Cave Under the Lake. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Glow Wand** Available in the style of each of the four houses, you can use this item to Illuminate your posts with a neon-like glow effect for up to 15 minutes, and can be used once every 60 minutes. You can end the glow effect early using the Extinguish option.
Goblin Coin** You can flip this item once a day for a chance at a variety of outcomes, including some free Galleons from the goblins, a wishing well booster for 9 hours, an extra chance to collect daily money, or a free bet in the Runic Aleatorem.
Gringott's Bank Ledger** This item notifies you if a stock of your choice is available above or below a defined price you can set. The notification disappears once the stock price changes out of that range.
Hand of Glory This item negates the effects of Instant Darkness Powder.
Harry's First Snitch When equipped, this item sets a preferred Quidditch position of "Seeker" on the owner's user info page.
Hermione's Planner** This item will let you set up to 10 reminders for yourself on any date you choose. You can also edit and delete reminders. Reminders will appear in your events in red text on the days they're due.
House-Elf Recipe Books** This item provides a passive effect that works while the item is in your Inventory or in your Trophy Case. When posting in a dorm (your own or one that you are a guest in), you will earn dorm favours at 1.5x the standard rate. When posting in a dorm with an active dorm party, you will earn dorm favours at 2x the standard rate.
Huggy Bear* This will give the user an event saying ‘Username gives you a big huggy bear hug!’ This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Ink Well Available in various colors, ink wells are used to set the text color preference for the owner's posts.
Interdepartmental Memos** This item sends the owner an event notification when Daily Money is 1,000 galleons or more and to announce Multiplier Hour. This item will function while displayed in a Trophy Case.
Invigoration Draught** Use this item to increase Magic Points. The amount of increase varies and it can only be used once per day.
Invisibility Cloak** This item hides the owner's online status and the "Last Logged In" time will appear as "N/A."
Invisible Bean* When eaten, this item either logs the user out or makes the user's posts invisible for five minutes. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Key to the Malfoy Vault** This item can be used once a day to approach the vault, where you can choose between entering the vault, seeing if Narcissa topped it off, or casting the Geminio Curse.
Late Homework Pass The homework pass allows one to submit one make-up homework for up to full points every two weeks. It is an equippable item.
Madam Hooch's Whistle When equipped, this item sets a preferred Quidditch position of "Referee" on the owner's user info page.
Marauders Map When equipped, this item will allow the owner to see which users are HEX at any given time.
Mortimer the Retired Ministry Owl** This slightly grumpy owl delivers a notification to your Events tab in the top bar every time you receive an item from a random event.
Moste Potente Potions* This item will give the owner hints for the Dungeon Potions Game when using the "Study Potions" option. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used. It is more common to keep the book as a collectible and likely more worth the user's time to discover the potion combinations without using the book.
Muggle Underwater Breathing Apparatus This item allows the owner to visit swamped forums and the Cave Under the Lake without Gillyweed or a Bubble-Head Charm.
Newt Scamander's Trunk This item is used to display Animal Models so other users may view them.
Pebble From the Cave* This item will allow the owner one extra trip per week to the Cave Under the Lake without using Gillyweed or the Bubble-Head Charm. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Phoenix Pendant The Phoenix Pendant counters the Dark Mark Pendant, negating the darkness effect. It allows the owner to use it once per day to clear the darkness from a single forum when the Dark Mark Pendant is active sitewide. A message replaces the Dark Mark Pendant message at the top when active. The Phoenix Pendant can also be used to make an "Order Member" title appear and change the user's font to gold. This item will function while displayed in a Trophy Case.
Pomona's Plum Plumper** This item has three options for hunting for Dirigible Plums which can then be sold in the Apothecary (in Diagon Alley) to earn galleons any day you choose. The plums require no tending and can be sold immediately. You may hunt or dig for a plum multiple times per day; you may send Pickett out searching for a plum once per day. These plums are not related to the ones you can tend in Goblin City.
Quaffle When equipped, this item sets a preferred Quidditch position of "Chaser" or "Keeper" on the owner's user info page.
Quill Available in Hogsmeade in Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, basic quills are used to set font preferences for the owner's posts. Not all quills function in this manner; some are collectibles. For information on specific quills and fonts, see the Posting section of the Knowledge Base.
Red Rose* You can send a message to another user with a Red Rose. The user will receive a message on top of their screen, which they can then click to view the message. The message can be sent with your name attached or anonymously.
Resurrection Stone** Enables the owner to post as any deceased character (or characters) for one hour. The username, avatar, blood status, post count, and age are all temporarily affected by its use. This is a permanent, multi-use item.
Revealer The Revealer allows the owner to read all pranked posts.
School Bag The School Bag provides additional storage for school supplies only. It is not required to have this item to take classes.
Scrying Mirror Search your Hogfriends' wish lists for a specific item, up to three times per day.
Silver Platelegs Silver Platelegs will increase the maximum health points of the owner by six points. The item is obtained in Goblin City at the Forge in exchange for both a Silver Legs Schematic and a fee.
Snitch When equipped, this item sets a preferred Quidditch position of "Seeker" on the owner's user info page.
Story Parchment* Equip this item along with a Story Quill to write one story in the Fan Fiction forum. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Story Quill* Equip this item along with a Story Parchment to write one story in the Fan Fiction forum. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Toot-Sweet* This will blow a kiss to another user. The user will get an event saying ‘Username blew you a kiss!
Trophy Case There are several versions of this item which are used to display items so other users may view them. A Trophy Case holds up to 50 items, a Rare Trophy Case holds up to 200, and a Very Rare Trophy Case holds up to 500. The Enchanted Trophy Case holds up to 3500 items and is a limited edition item.
Vending Machine Token* This item allows you one free play at the Vending Machine in Diagon Alley. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Wakefields Off the Record Glow in the Dark Gum* Choosing the "Chew this" option will termporarily turn the user's avatar into a glowing blob of chewed gum. This is a single-use item and will be removed from the owner's inventory when used.
Wizard Card Collection Book Equip this item to display your Wizard Cards.

If you can't find an action item listed it might be a prank item. You can check prank items here.

*Single-use item which will be removed from the owner's inventory (or Trophy Case, if applicable) after use.

**Usable from trophy cases

Can an Action Item be used when displayed in a Trophy Case?

Currently, there are some Action Items which can by used while displayed, but not all are coded to do so yet. Items with a triple-bar symbol shown next to them in the Trophy Case can be activated while on display. Click the triple-bar symbol to get a pop-up menu from which you can choose an action.

The action items and prank action items below are all usable from trophy cases:

  • • Bell Jar
  • • Cedric's Watch
  • • Dark Mark Pendant
  • • Dementor's Kiss
  • • Drink of Despair
  • • Elder Wand
  • • Elixir of Life
  • • Enchanted Scoreboard
  • • Flitwick's Wand
  • • Goblin Coin
  • • Gringott's Bank Ledger
  • • Hermione's Planner
  • • House-Elf Recipe Books (passive effect ONLY)
  • • Inquisitorial Squad Badge
  • • Invigoration Draught
  • • Invisibility Cloak
  • • Key to the Malfoy Vault
  • • Ludo's Wand
  • • Pomona's Plum Pumper
  • • Resurrection Stone
  • • Seven Potters' Polyjuice
  • • Spork
  • • Sword of Godric Gryffindor
  • • Sword of Helga Hufflepuff
  • • Sword of Rowena Ravenclaw
  • • Sword of Salazar Slytherin
  • • Werewolf Saliva

Career action items are also usable from trophy cases:

  • • Confiscated Amulet
  • • Cursed Gold
  • • Forgetfulness Potion
  • • Miniature Cannon
  • • Quidditch Goggles
  • • Shop Till
  • • St. Mungo's Medicine Bag
  • • Worn-Out Rubber Tire


    Cedric's Watch
    Dumbledore's Army Coin

Cedric's Watch

Cedrics Watch is an action item which allows a user to create a thread and delay the public posting of it until the designated time. This item is a permanent item and will not be removed from your inventory after using it.

Click on the watch in your inventory and select "Queue a Thread":

Fill in the forum number in which the thread will be posted, the thread title, and the date and time you want the thread to post:

Create the new thread and click "Post". Cedric's Watch will then post the thread at the specified time:

Dumbledore's Army Coin

The Dumbledore's Army Coin allows a user to create custom events and send them to multiple recipients at a time. This item is a permanent item and will not be removed from your inventory after using it.

Click on the coin in your inventory and select "Send a user a custom event":

Fill in the recipient's user name. You may send to more than one recipient at a time. Type the message using html coding to customize the font and color:

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