102 Members Online
102 Members Online

Smithy46's Trophy Case

Smithy46 owns all of these items.

Pride Flag Charm 7
Pride Flag Charm 7
Pride Flag Charm 3
Pride Flag Charm 3
Moony Plushie
Moony Plushie
Remus Lupin's Acceptance Letter
Remus Lupin's Acceptance Letter
Remus Lupin's Medical Kit
Remus Lupin's Medical Kit
Remus' Prefect Badge
Remus' Prefect Badge
Lupin's Wedding Ring
Lupin's Wedding Ring
Sirius' Head in the Fireplace
Sirius' Head in the Fireplace
Case of Ogden's Fire Whiskey
Case of Ogden's Fire Whiskey
Arthur's Sweater
Arthur's Sweater
Bill's Sweater
Bill's Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Dragon Sweater
Dragon Sweater
Fred's Sweater
Fred's Sweater
George's Sweater
George's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Molly's Sweater
Molly's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Ron's Sweater
Ron's Sweater
Weasley Sweater
Weasley Sweater
Half-Knitted Weasley Jumper
Half-Knitted Weasley Jumper
Molly's Sweater Cookies
Molly's Sweater Cookies
Chudley Cannons Quidditch Robes
Chudley Cannons Quidditch Robes
Gingerbread Hogwarts
Gingerbread Hogwarts
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince UK
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince UK
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban UK
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban UK
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
Hogwarts Playset
Hogwarts Playset
Neville Plushie
Neville Plushie
Prongs Plushie
Prongs Plushie
Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland
Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland
Treacle Tart Charm
Treacle Tart Charm
Tutshill Tornados Badge
Tutshill Tornados Badge
Winter Badger Plushie
Winter Badger Plushie
Wormtail Plushie
Wormtail Plushie

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