196 Members Online
196 Members Online

COPPA Policy

HEX LogoHEX has a user base of all ages. We have gone to great lengths to protect children under the age of thirteen.

During the enrollment process, one of the first things we ask is if the user is under the age of thirteen. If they are, we require they submit their parent's email address with their registration form. By doing this, your child enables us to email you to notify you of their enrollment.

Everyone's age, including those under the age of thirteen, will be displayed to all members of HEX, as well as everyone's first name and location (can just be country). This is a standard feature of HEX.

HEX has a report system where users may report other users at anytime for inappropriate actions. The report system is closely monitored by all HEX staff, therefore ensuring the safety of your child.

Parents have the right to remove their child's account at any time, simply by contacting us. The "Contact" link is located on every page of the logged-out version of HEX. If we find any sections that might be inappropriate for children under the age of thirteen, we use the age collected and through means of PHP programming, disable the user from viewing the certain content/page.

We will NEVER give out any user's information to third parties. This of course includes children under the age of thirteen.

This policy applies to everyone under the age of 13. If we find a user that lied about their age and are really under the age of thirteen, the account may be banned, pending parental notification and verification.

Children under the age of 13 will not be allowed to post photos, videos, and/or audio recordings that contain a child’s image or voice, without prior parental consent. If a child under 13 posts this type of media, it will be removed.

This policy applies to everyone under the age of 13. If we find a user that lied about their age and are really under the age of thirteen, the account may be banned.
23 Years of Magic
Copyright ©2001-2024 HEXRPG, LLC. All rights reserved.
HEX is an independent Harry Potter fan site. Images, content, Harry Potter © Warner Brothers, J.K. Rowling, and/or their respective owners. User content on this website is credited to the individuals.