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Full Profile of LinSpinner

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LinSpinner OFFLINE

Real Name: Lin
Location: Minnesota, USA
Joined Staff: April 4, 2018
Responsibilities: Account Management, Magical Education, Publications, Weasley Hideout
How do you spend your time when not on HEX? Probably working? I'm a researcher in a neuroscience lab and might love brains a little too much. Otherwise, I'm likely off writing, reading, hiking, or playing music.
How did you become interested in Harry Potter? I came across the first movie on TV one night when I was about seven and was captivated by it. I spent the next two and a half hours lying on the floor watching it. As soon as I could, I read the first four books and waited for the others to be released. I've been hooked ever since.
Favorite movies: Mary Poppins, October Sky, Dead Poets Society
Favorite food: walleye, salmon, meatloaf, almost any fruit
Fun Fact: I collect sock monkeys!


22 Years of Magic
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