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syb2's Trophy Case

syb2 owns all of these items.

It's OK to contact this user to purchase items in this trophy case.

My most prized items (or items I just thought were fun)

Hufflepuff Pennant
Hufflepuff Pennant
Hufflepuff Mascot Ornament
Hufflepuff Mascot Ornament
Hufflepuff Tie
Hufflepuff Tie
Cedric Diggory Portrait
Cedric Diggory Portrait
Hufflepuff Snuggle Mug
Hufflepuff Snuggle Mug
Hufflepuff Pouch
Hufflepuff Pouch
Hufflepuff Wreath
Hufflepuff Wreath
Hufflepuff Snowflake Charm
Hufflepuff Snowflake Charm
Hufflepuff Dreidel
Hufflepuff Dreidel
Hufflepuff House Tree
Hufflepuff House Tree
Hufflepuff Christmas Lights
Hufflepuff Christmas Lights
Hufflepuff Wreath
Hufflepuff Wreath
Hufflepuff Ice Skates
Hufflepuff Ice Skates
Hufflepuff Faberge Egg
Hufflepuff Faberge Egg
Hufflepuff Easter Egg Charm
Hufflepuff Easter Egg Charm
Hufflepuff Stocking
Hufflepuff Stocking
2017 Hufflepuff Fedora
2017 Hufflepuff Fedora
Hufflepuff Bunny Rabbit
Hufflepuff Bunny Rabbit
Hufflepuff Cupcake
Hufflepuff Cupcake
Badger Ice Sculpture
Badger Ice Sculpture
Hufflepuff Remnant Plushie
Hufflepuff Remnant Plushie
Hufflepuff Abominable Plushman
Hufflepuff Abominable Plushman
Yellow Sugar Mouse
Yellow Sugar Mouse
Badger-Shaped Medenjaci
Badger-Shaped Medenjaci
Hufflepuff Quidditch Robe
Hufflepuff Quidditch Robe
Hufflepuff School Uniform (Skirt)
Hufflepuff School Uniform (Skirt)
Hufflepuff Gnome
Hufflepuff Gnome
Santa Gnome
Santa Gnome
Snow King Gnome
Snow King Gnome
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Beauxbatons Hat
Beauxbatons Hat
Beauxbatons Sweater
Beauxbatons Sweater
Beauxbatons Coat
Beauxbatons Coat
Beauxbatons Dress
Beauxbatons Dress
Beauxbatons Pants
Beauxbatons Pants
Golden Owls
Golden Owls
Secret Keeper's Note
Secret Keeper's Note
Knight Bus Ticket
Knight Bus Ticket
Pebble From the Cave
Pebble From the Cave
Green Easter Egg
Green Easter Egg
The Sara Potter Action Figure
The Sara Potter Action Figure
Chocolate Rose
Chocolate Rose
Wit-Sharpening Potion
Wit-Sharpening Potion
Twilight Moonbeams
Twilight Moonbeams
Grawp Plushie
Grawp Plushie
Maxime Plushie
Maxime Plushie
Fire Slug Plushie
Fire Slug Plushie
Chocolate Frog Plushie
Chocolate Frog Plushie
Kenmare Kestrels Pennant
Kenmare Kestrels Pennant
Ireland National Team Scarf
Ireland National Team Scarf
Holly Wreath
Holly Wreath
A Christmas Angel
A Christmas Angel
Chocolate Snowman
Chocolate Snowman
Frosty the Snowman
Frosty the Snowman
A Melted Frosty
A Melted Frosty
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
Molly Weasley Portrait
Molly Weasley Portrait
Arthur Weasley Portrait
Arthur Weasley Portrait
Gryffindor Linzer
Gryffindor Linzer
Ravenclaw Linzer
Ravenclaw Linzer
Slytherin Linzer
Slytherin Linzer
Hufflepuff Linzer
Hufflepuff Linzer

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22 Years of Magic
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