101 Members Online
101 Members Online

snowleopard1234's Trophy Case

snowleopard1234 owns all of these items.

Fleur's Triwizard Entry
Fleur's Triwizard Entry
Krum's Triwizard Entry
Krum's Triwizard Entry
Harry's Triwizard Entry
Harry's Triwizard Entry
Helga's Quill
Helga's Quill
Rowena's Quill
Rowena's Quill
Rowena Ravenclaw's Dress Robes
Rowena Ravenclaw's Dress Robes
Fleur's Hairbrush
Fleur's Hairbrush
Thorned Rose
Thorned Rose
White Rose
White Rose
Green Rose
Green Rose
Gilded Rose
Gilded Rose
Red Rose
Red Rose
Magical Snowflake
Magical Snowflake
Bewitched Snowballs
Bewitched Snowballs
Snowstorm in a Bag
Snowstorm in a Bag
Dolores' Cat Collared Shrug
Dolores' Cat Collared Shrug
Ginny's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Slughorn's Furry Hat
Slughorn's Furry Hat
Slug Club Invitation
Slug Club Invitation
Slughorn's Moustache Wax
Slughorn's Moustache Wax
Floating Champagne
Floating Champagne
Headless Hat
Headless Hat
Flowered Bonnet
Flowered Bonnet
Mylar Balloon
Mylar Balloon
Yellow Luminous Balloon
Yellow Luminous Balloon
Madam Pince's Polishing Cloth
Madam Pince's Polishing Cloth
Wizard Career Test Results
Wizard Career Test Results
Badger Ice Sculpture
Badger Ice Sculpture
Hufflepuff Tie
Hufflepuff Tie
Hufflepuff Truffle
Hufflepuff Truffle
Apparation Hoops
Apparation Hoops
Pygmy Puff Carrier
Pygmy Puff Carrier
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Quidditch Through the Ages
Quidditch Through the Ages
Gold Quill
Gold Quill
Flirting Fancies
Flirting Fancies
Mockingjay Token
Mockingjay Token
Butterbeer Every Flavor Bean
Butterbeer Every Flavor Bean
Beauxbatons Horse Plushie
Beauxbatons Horse Plushie
Cloisonne Egg
Cloisonne Egg
Batik Egg
Batik Egg
Henna Egg
Henna Egg
Butterfly Egg
Butterfly Egg
The Hopping Pot
The Hopping Pot
Cackling Stump
Cackling Stump
Egyptian Incense Burner
Egyptian Incense Burner
Filch's Riding Crop
Filch's Riding Crop
Filch's Manacles
Filch's Manacles
Hagrid's Wooden Tankard
Hagrid's Wooden Tankard
Alastor Moody Portrait
Alastor Moody Portrait
Dark Marked House Playset
Dark Marked House Playset
Grindylow in a Tank
Grindylow in a Tank
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Hogwarts Emergency Squashy Purple Sleeping Bag
Hogwarts Emergency Squashy Purple Sleeping Bag
Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear
Nargle-Infested Mistletoe
Nargle-Infested Mistletoe
Medieval Flail
Medieval Flail
Slytherin Wreath
Slytherin Wreath
Tom Riddle's S.A.S.S Award
Tom Riddle's S.A.S.S Award
WWN Christmas Hits
WWN Christmas Hits
Holiday Wizarding Chess
Holiday Wizarding Chess
Enchanted Musical Suit of Armor
Enchanted Musical Suit of Armor
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Six Years
HEXiversary Badge - Six Years
Flitwick's Cupcakes
Flitwick's Cupcakes
Fungiface Potion
Fungiface Potion
Broken Prophecy
Broken Prophecy
Dementor Cookies
Dementor Cookies
McGonagall's Winter Bonnet
McGonagall's Winter Bonnet
Hermione's Pencil Case
Hermione's Pencil Case

Please do not contact this user about purchasing items in this trophy case.

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22 Years of Magic
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