119 Members Online
119 Members Online

bloodofreptile's Trophy Case

bloodofreptile owns all of these items.

Please do not contact this user about purchasing items in this trophy case.

Death Veil
Death Veil
Picture of the Marauders
Picture of the Marauders
Buckbeak's Feather
Buckbeak's Feather
Mirror Shard
Mirror Shard
Padfoot Plushie
Padfoot Plushie
Sirius' Nameplate
Sirius' Nameplate
Secret Keeper's Note
Secret Keeper's Note
Aurors' Map
Aurors' Map
Sirius' Penknife
Sirius' Penknife
Sirius' Cake to Harry
Sirius' Cake to Harry
Snape's Patronus
Snape's Patronus
Lily's Patronus
Lily's Patronus
Kingsley's Patronus
Kingsley's Patronus
Tonks' Patronus
Tonks' Patronus
Aberforth's Patronus
Aberforth's Patronus
Cho's Patronus
Cho's Patronus
Sirius' Wand
Sirius' Wand
Molly's Wand
Molly's Wand
Ron's Wand
Ron's Wand
Draco's Wand
Draco's Wand
Neville's Wand
Neville's Wand
Luna's Second Wand
Luna's Second Wand
Educational Decree No. 21
Educational Decree No. 21
Animal Model - Moke
Animal Model - Moke
Animal Model - Demiguise
Animal Model - Demiguise
Animal Model - Giant Squid
Animal Model - Giant Squid
Animal Model - Centaur
Animal Model - Centaur
Educational Decree No. 21
Educational Decree No. 21
Lucius' Wand
Lucius' Wand
Narcissa's Wand
Narcissa's Wand
Morfin's Wand
Morfin's Wand
Pansy's Wand
Pansy's Wand
McGonagall's Wand
McGonagall's Wand
Gellert Grindelwald's Wand
Gellert Grindelwald's Wand
Quill of Acceptance
Quill of Acceptance
Dragon Model - Antipodean Opaleye
Dragon Model - Antipodean Opaleye
Dragon Model - Portuguese Long-Snout
Dragon Model - Portuguese Long-Snout
Dragon Scales
Dragon Scales
Animal Model - Gringotts' Dragon
Animal Model - Gringotts' Dragon
Globe of the Moon
Globe of the Moon
Maxime's Wand
Maxime's Wand
Gilderoy Lockhart's Wand
Gilderoy Lockhart's Wand
Diluted Bubotuber Pus
Diluted Bubotuber Pus
Undiluted Bubotubers Pus
Undiluted Bubotubers Pus
Ludo's Wand
Ludo's Wand
Krum's Wand
Krum's Wand
Dementor's Mistletoe
Dementor's Mistletoe
Seamus Finnigan's Boggart - Banshee
Seamus Finnigan's Boggart - Banshee
Parvati Patil's Boggart - Bloodstained Mummy
Parvati Patil's Boggart - Bloodstained Mummy
Dean Thomas's Boggart - Disembodied Living Hand
Dean Thomas's Boggart - Disembodied Living Hand
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
Christmas Teddy
Christmas Teddy
Knife & Blood Splatter Cupcake
Knife & Blood Splatter Cupcake

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