64 Members Online

Shastalove10's Trophy Case

Shastalove10 owns all of these items.

Gryffindor Items | Weasley & Trio Items | Chocolate | Certain Plushies | Gifts from Friends <3

Newt's Journal
Newt's Journal
Golden Newt
Golden Newt
Hermione's Stolen Scarf
Hermione's Stolen Scarf
Hermione's S.P.E.W. Hats
Hermione's S.P.E.W. Hats
Hogwarts Playset
Hogwarts Playset
Pride Flag Charm 3
Pride Flag Charm 3
Ollivander's Store Sign
Ollivander's Store Sign
WWW Sign
WWW Sign
Deflagration Deluxe
Deflagration Deluxe
James' & Sirius' Two-Way Mirrors
James' & Sirius' Two-Way Mirrors
Harry's Trainers
Harry's Trainers
Fred's Bobble Hat
Fred's Bobble Hat
George's Bobble Hat
George's Bobble Hat
Zodiac Charm - Capricorn
Zodiac Charm - Capricorn
Zodiac Charm - Taurus
Zodiac Charm - Taurus
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
Yule Goat
Yule Goat
Gryffindor Winter Cloak
Gryffindor Winter Cloak
Gryffindor Snowflake Charm
Gryffindor Snowflake Charm
Gryffindor Ice Skates
Gryffindor Ice Skates
Gryffindor Dreidel
Gryffindor Dreidel
Gryffindor Menorah
Gryffindor Menorah
Gryffindor House Centerpiece
Gryffindor House Centerpiece
Gryffindor Pennant
Gryffindor Pennant
Gryffindor Scarf
Gryffindor Scarf
Gryffindor Tie
Gryffindor Tie
Gryffindor Stocking
Gryffindor Stocking
Gryffindor Pouch
Gryffindor Pouch
Gryffindor Cupcake
Gryffindor Cupcake
Gryffindor Feather Boa
Gryffindor Feather Boa
Gryffindor House Firework
Gryffindor House Firework
Gryffindor Sled
Gryffindor Sled
Gryffindor House Candy Bowl
Gryffindor House Candy Bowl
Gryffindor Quidditch Robe
Gryffindor Quidditch Robe
Gryffindor Mittens
Gryffindor Mittens
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Cake Slice
Gryffindor Cake Slice
Gryffindor Dancing Pumps
Gryffindor Dancing Pumps
Gryffindor Shot Glass
Gryffindor Shot Glass
Gryffindor Gingerbread House
Gryffindor Gingerbread House
Lion-Shaped Medenjaci
Lion-Shaped Medenjaci
Gryffindor Candy Cane
Gryffindor Candy Cane
Gryffindor Noise Maker
Gryffindor Noise Maker
Gryffindor Sparkler
Gryffindor Sparkler
Gryffindor Nargle Plushie
Gryffindor Nargle Plushie
Gryffindor Bunny Rabbit
Gryffindor Bunny Rabbit
Gryffindor Linzer
Gryffindor Linzer
Gryffindor Abominable Plushman
Gryffindor Abominable Plushman
Gryffindor Remnant Plushie
Gryffindor Remnant Plushie
Gryffindor House Tree
Gryffindor House Tree
Gryffindor Wreath
Gryffindor Wreath
Dragon Sweater
Dragon Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Weasley Sweater
Weasley Sweater
Ron's Sweater
Ron's Sweater
Molly's Sweater
Molly's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Arthur's Sweater
Arthur's Sweater
George's Sweater
George's Sweater
Bill's Sweater
Bill's Sweater
Fred's Sweater
Fred's Sweater
Hedwig Plushie
Hedwig Plushie
Chocolate Frog Plushie
Chocolate Frog Plushie
Chocolate Cockatrice
Chocolate Cockatrice
Chocolate Wands
Chocolate Wands
Chocolate Rose
Chocolate Rose
Chocolate Skeletons
Chocolate Skeletons
Chocolate Snowflakes
Chocolate Snowflakes
Chocolate Snowman
Chocolate Snowman
Chocolate Galleon
Chocolate Galleon
White Chocolate Galleon
White Chocolate Galleon
Golden Owls
Golden Owls
Weasley Christmas Gnome
Weasley Christmas Gnome
Hogwarts Festive Cutlery
Hogwarts Festive Cutlery
Executive Desk Lamp
Executive Desk Lamp
Hogwarts Fondue
Hogwarts Fondue
Ford Anglia Ornament
Ford Anglia Ornament
Menorah Cookies
Menorah Cookies
Socks From Dobby
Socks From Dobby

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