106 Members Online
106 Members Online

Princewill02's Trophy Case

Princewill02 owns all of these items.

It's OK to contact this user to purchase items in this trophy case.

HEXiversary Badge - Seven Years
HEXiversary Badge - Seven Years
Flag of Acceptance
Flag of Acceptance
Draco's Owl Plushie
Draco's Owl Plushie
Christmas Panda
Christmas Panda
Peeves' Revolving Bowtie
Peeves' Revolving Bowtie
2015 Pride Beads
2015 Pride Beads
Harry's Eagle-Feather Quill
Harry's Eagle-Feather Quill
Birthday Scepter
Birthday Scepter
Junior Auror Badge
Junior Auror Badge
Pink Pygmy Puff
Pink Pygmy Puff
Luna Lovegood's Silver Star Earrings
Luna Lovegood's Silver Star Earrings
#4 Privet Drive Playset
#4 Privet Drive Playset
Gryffindor Abominable Plushman
Gryffindor Abominable Plushman
Gryffindor Abominable Plushman
Gryffindor Abominable Plushman
Hufflepuff Abominable Plushman
Hufflepuff Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Slytherin Nargle Plushie
Slytherin Nargle Plushie
Slytherin Nargle Plushie
Slytherin Nargle Plushie
Gryffindor Nargle Plushie
Gryffindor Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Professor Quirrell Portrait
Professor Quirrell Portrait
Dolores Umbridge Portrait
Dolores Umbridge Portrait
Vincent Crabbe Portrait
Vincent Crabbe Portrait
Igor Karkaroff Portrait
Igor Karkaroff Portrait
Moaning Myrtle Portrait
Moaning Myrtle Portrait
Rainbow Quill
Rainbow Quill
Mrs Black's Gloves
Mrs Black's Gloves
Mounted House-Elf Head
Mounted House-Elf Head
Kreacher's Gift
Kreacher's Gift
Boggart in a Dresser
Boggart in a Dresser
Gnome Plushie
Gnome Plushie
Peeves Plushie
Peeves Plushie
Slytherin House Jumper
Slytherin House Jumper
Ravenclaw House Jumper
Ravenclaw House Jumper
Slytherin Pennant
Slytherin Pennant
Badger Ice Sculpture
Badger Ice Sculpture
Special Chocolate Cauldrons
Special Chocolate Cauldrons
Gryffindor Tie
Gryffindor Tie
2017 Gryffindor Fedora
2017 Gryffindor Fedora
Lion Ice Sculpture
Lion Ice Sculpture
Gryffindor Snowman
Gryffindor Snowman
Magical Snowflake
Magical Snowflake
Candy Cane Every Flavor Bean
Candy Cane Every Flavor Bean
Cranberry Sauce Every Flavor Bean
Cranberry Sauce Every Flavor Bean
Easter Lilies
Easter Lilies
Nargle-Infested Mistletoe
Nargle-Infested Mistletoe
Caramel Apple
Caramel Apple
Gold Balloons
Gold Balloons
Dudley's Broken Computer
Dudley's Broken Computer
Percy's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Green Rose
Green Rose
Peeves' Revolving Bowtie
Peeves' Revolving Bowtie
Flag of Acceptance
Flag of Acceptance
Valentine's Day Cake
Valentine's Day Cake
Cloud in a Jar
Cloud in a Jar
Hagrid's Charm Bracelet
Hagrid's Charm Bracelet
Cool Whip!
Cool Whip!
Rare HBP Poster
Rare HBP Poster
Newt Scamander's Trunk
Newt Scamander's Trunk
Fudge's Pointed Purple Boots
Fudge's Pointed Purple Boots
Tangerine Giggly Jigglies
Tangerine Giggly Jigglies
Amethyst Egg
Amethyst Egg
Black Family Silver Forks
Black Family Silver Forks
Black Family Silver Spoons
Black Family Silver Spoons
Bunny Charm
Bunny Charm
Candy Cane
Candy Cane
Cloud in a Jar
Cloud in a Jar
Cloud in a Jar
Cloud in a Jar
Delacour's Chocolates to Harry
Delacour's Chocolates to Harry
Diluted Bubotuber Pus
Diluted Bubotuber Pus
Diluted Bubotuber Pus
Diluted Bubotuber Pus
Dudley's Gold Wrist Watch
Dudley's Gold Wrist Watch
Easter Basket Charm
Easter Basket Charm
Easter Lilies
Easter Lilies
Educational Decree No. 21
Educational Decree No. 21
Everlasting Candle
Everlasting Candle
Executive Desk Lamp
Executive Desk Lamp
Lockhart's Valentine to Himself
Lockhart's Valentine to Himself
Jeweled Firecrab Shell
Jeweled Firecrab Shell
Mulled Wine
Mulled Wine
Mylar Balloon
Mylar Balloon
Plain Fudge
Plain Fudge
Santa's Hat
Santa's Hat
Skeleton Costume
Skeleton Costume
Snowstorm in a Bag
Snowstorm in a Bag
Snowstorm in a Bag
Snowstorm in a Bag
Sweetheart Balloon
Sweetheart Balloon
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Frosty the Snowman
Frosty the Snowman
Gryffindor Badge of Bravery
Gryffindor Badge of Bravery
Irish Knot Charm
Irish Knot Charm
Gryffindor Dreidel
Gryffindor Dreidel
Animal Model - Giant Squid
Animal Model - Giant Squid

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22 Years of Magic
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