114 Members Online
114 Members Online

PhoenixProphecy's Trophy Case

PhoenixProphecy owns all of these items.

Draco's Wand
Draco's Wand
Draco's Apple
Draco's Apple
Opal Necklace
Opal Necklace
A Guide to the Irish Fairy Folk and Leprechauns for Muggleborns
A Guide to the Irish Fairy Folk and Leprechauns for Muggleborns
Shamrock Cookies
Shamrock Cookies
Severus Snape Portrait
Severus Snape Portrait
Dumbledore Portrait
Dumbledore Portrait
Minerva McGonagall Portrait
Minerva McGonagall Portrait
Fleur's Yule Ball Hair Ornament
Fleur's Yule Ball Hair Ornament
Dean Thomas's Boggart - Disembodied Living Hand
Dean Thomas's Boggart - Disembodied Living Hand
Crookshanks Plushie
Crookshanks Plushie
Unicorn's Blood
Unicorn's Blood
Vial of Vampire Blood
Vial of Vampire Blood
Harry's Easter Egg with Snitches
Harry's Easter Egg with Snitches
Narcissa's Skull Ring
Narcissa's Skull Ring
Dark Mark Ornament
Dark Mark Ornament
2023 Award of Excellence
2023 Award of Excellence
2022 Award of Excellence
2022 Award of Excellence
Chimaera Eggs
Chimaera Eggs
Centaury Plant
Centaury Plant
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Hufflepuff Christmas Lights
Hufflepuff Christmas Lights
Ravenclaw Christmas Lights
Ravenclaw Christmas Lights
Slytherin Christmas Lights
Slytherin Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Hufflepuff Christmas Lights
Hufflepuff Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Gryffindor Christmas Lights
Picture of Young Death Eaters
Picture of Young Death Eaters
Rare HBP Poster
Rare HBP Poster
Erumpent Horn
Erumpent Horn
Gryffindor House Centerpiece
Gryffindor House Centerpiece
Exploding Birthday Card
Exploding Birthday Card
Blue Glitter Ornament
Blue Glitter Ornament
Green Luminous Balloon
Green Luminous Balloon
Gryffindor Women's 2007 Tiara
Gryffindor Women's 2007 Tiara
Pufferfish Eyes
Pufferfish Eyes
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Flesh-Eating Trees of the World
Leech Juice
Leech Juice
Candle Cakes
Candle Cakes
Slytherin Mascot Ornament
Slytherin Mascot Ornament
Green Rose
Green Rose
Slytherin Candy Apple
Slytherin Candy Apple
Soggy Unopened Chocolate Frog
Soggy Unopened Chocolate Frog
Slytherin Mocktail
Slytherin Mocktail
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Deathday Party Invitation
Deathday Party Invitation
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Fenrir Greyback's Wanted Poster
Fenrir Greyback's Wanted Poster
Vernon's Drill Bit Trophy
Vernon's Drill Bit Trophy
Dumbledore's Tiered Ring
Dumbledore's Tiered Ring
Fox Plushie
Fox Plushie
Backstage Pass
Backstage Pass
Maxime's Perfume
Maxime's Perfume
Hermione's Desk Lamp
Hermione's Desk Lamp
Winged Catapult
Winged Catapult
Knitted Weasley Teddy Bear
Knitted Weasley Teddy Bear
Winter Lion Plushie
Winter Lion Plushie
Winter Badger Plushie
Winter Badger Plushie
Winter Snake Plushie
Winter Snake Plushie
Winter Eagle Plushie
Winter Eagle Plushie
Winter Squirrel Plushie
Winter Squirrel Plushie
Raven Plushie
Raven Plushie
Golden Owls
Golden Owls
Rudolph Gnome
Rudolph Gnome
Hufflepuff Gnome
Hufflepuff Gnome
Gryffindor Nutcracker
Gryffindor Nutcracker
Black Family Sealing Stamps
Black Family Sealing Stamps
Gryffindor Candy Apple
Gryffindor Candy Apple
Knickerbocker Glory
Knickerbocker Glory
Knife & Blood Splatter Cupcake
Knife & Blood Splatter Cupcake
20th Birthday Cupcake
20th Birthday Cupcake
Slytherin Cake Slice
Slytherin Cake Slice
Ravenclaw Cake Slice
Ravenclaw Cake Slice
Haunted Gingerbread House
Haunted Gingerbread House
Graveyard Cupcake
Graveyard Cupcake
Vampire Cupcake
Vampire Cupcake
Gingerbread Cupcake
Gingerbread Cupcake
Eyeball Gobstoppers
Eyeball Gobstoppers
Ghost Lollipop
Ghost Lollipop
Jacob's Niffler Pastry
Jacob's Niffler Pastry
Dementor Cookies
Dementor Cookies
Bat Cookies
Bat Cookies
Chocolate Skeletons
Chocolate Skeletons
Chocolate Chicken
Chocolate Chicken
Chocolate Owl Lollipops
Chocolate Owl Lollipops
Chocolate Snowflakes
Chocolate Snowflakes
Chocolate Snowman
Chocolate Snowman
Chocolate Phoenix Cake
Chocolate Phoenix Cake
Chocolate Hogwarts Express
Chocolate Hogwarts Express
Chocolate Cockatrice
Chocolate Cockatrice
Chocolate Wands
Chocolate Wands
Chocolate Galleon
Chocolate Galleon
Trunk Ornament
Trunk Ornament
Fred's Sweater
Fred's Sweater
Gryffindor Earmuffs
Gryffindor Earmuffs
Hufflepuff House Tree
Hufflepuff House Tree
Tree of Ambition
Tree of Ambition
O.W.L. Results
O.W.L. Results
N.E.W.T. Results
N.E.W.T. Results
Moaning Myrtle Portrait
Moaning Myrtle Portrait
Arthur Weasley Portrait
Arthur Weasley Portrait
Dudley's Smeltings Stick
Dudley's Smeltings Stick
Computerized Robot
Computerized Robot
Lion Ice Sculpture
Lion Ice Sculpture
Eagle Ice Sculpture
Eagle Ice Sculpture
Badger Ice Sculpture
Badger Ice Sculpture
Snake Ice Sculpture
Snake Ice Sculpture
Melted Ice Sculpture
Melted Ice Sculpture
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Six Years
HEXiversary Badge - Six Years
HEXiversary Badge - Seven Years
HEXiversary Badge - Seven Years
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
HEXiversary Badge - Nine Years
HEXiversary Badge - Nine Years
Snowball Fight 2023 Pin - Bronze
Snowball Fight 2023 Pin - Bronze
Muggle In A Box
Muggle In A Box
Flowered Bonnet
Flowered Bonnet
Ravenclaw House Jumper
Ravenclaw House Jumper
Lobe Blaster
Lobe Blaster
Hogwarts Express Trolley
Hogwarts Express Trolley
Gryffindor Linzer
Gryffindor Linzer
Hufflepuff Linzer
Hufflepuff Linzer
Slytherin Linzer
Slytherin Linzer
Ravenclaw Linzer
Ravenclaw Linzer
Lion-Shaped Medenjaci
Lion-Shaped Medenjaci
Eagle-Shaped Medenjaci
Eagle-Shaped Medenjaci
Badger-Shaped Medenjaci
Badger-Shaped Medenjaci
Snake-Shaped Medenjaci
Snake-Shaped Medenjaci
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Milk and Cookies for Santa
Frosty the Snowman
Frosty the Snowman
Chocolate Cake Slice with Candle
Chocolate Cake Slice with Candle
Christmas Cake
Christmas Cake
Malva Pudding
Malva Pudding
Chocolate Rose
Chocolate Rose
White Chocolate Rose
White Chocolate Rose
Marzipan Christmas Trees
Marzipan Christmas Trees
Pumpkin Fizz
Pumpkin Fizz
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
Soda Bread
Soda Bread
Pink Sugar Mouse
Pink Sugar Mouse
Peppermint Toads
Peppermint Toads
Fainting Fancy
Fainting Fancy
Heart Candy
Heart Candy
Silver Platelegs Schematic
Silver Platelegs Schematic
Winter Mandrake - Purple
Winter Mandrake - Purple

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22 Years of Magic
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