127 Members Online
127 Members Online

Nadia_Marie's Trophy Case

Nadia_Marie owns all of these items.

Kingsley's Patronus
Kingsley's Patronus
Moony Plushie
Moony Plushie
Fawkes Plushie
Fawkes Plushie
Maxime's Wand
Maxime's Wand
Salazar's Cauldron
Salazar's Cauldron
Phineas Nigellus' Portrait
Phineas Nigellus' Portrait
Bottle of Felix Felicis
Bottle of Felix Felicis
Ravenclaw's Spellbook
Ravenclaw's Spellbook
Winged Catapult
Winged Catapult
Harry's Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Harry's O.W.L. Grades
Harry's O.W.L. Grades
Woman's Mask
Woman's Mask
Ravenclaw House Cup Pocket Watch
Ravenclaw House Cup Pocket Watch
Restricted Section Book
Restricted Section Book
Ravenclaw Stocking
Ravenclaw Stocking
Blue Luminous Balloon
Blue Luminous Balloon
Fudge With Nuts
Fudge With Nuts
Honeydukes' Best Chocolate
Honeydukes' Best Chocolate
Moste Potente Potions
Moste Potente Potions
Gummy Nagini
Gummy Nagini
Enchanted Window
Enchanted Window
Ravenclaw House Cup Day Planner
Ravenclaw House Cup Day Planner
Smart-Answer Quill
Smart-Answer Quill
Treehouse Rope Ladder
Treehouse Rope Ladder
Star Chart
Star Chart
Kirley Duke's Guitar
Kirley Duke's Guitar
Black Family Sealing Stamps
Black Family Sealing Stamps
Madame Maxime's Carriage
Madame Maxime's Carriage
Badger Ice Sculpture
Badger Ice Sculpture
Eagle Ice Sculpture
Eagle Ice Sculpture
Red Glitter Ornament
Red Glitter Ornament
Hogwarts Ornament
Hogwarts Ornament
Ravenclaw Ornament
Ravenclaw Ornament
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets UK
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets UK
Cursed Hat
Cursed Hat
Helga's Quill
Helga's Quill
Merton Graves' Cello
Merton Graves' Cello
Quidditch Playset
Quidditch Playset
Puking Pumpkin
Puking Pumpkin
Mockingjay Token
Mockingjay Token
Lestrange Jeweled Goblet
Lestrange Jeweled Goblet
Marauder's Map
Marauder's Map
Snape's Gargoyle Fountain
Snape's Gargoyle Fountain
Sectumsempra Curse
Sectumsempra Curse
Celestina Warbeck Poster
Celestina Warbeck Poster
Azkaban Prisoner Shackle
Azkaban Prisoner Shackle
Black Family Silver Forks
Black Family Silver Forks
Dark Mark Ornament
Dark Mark Ornament
Unicorn's Blood
Unicorn's Blood
Charlie's Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Ever-Changing Dress Robe
Ever-Changing Dress Robe
Snow In A Jar
Snow In A Jar
A Christmas Angel
A Christmas Angel
Ravenclaw Dreidel
Ravenclaw Dreidel
Tangerine Giggly Jigglies
Tangerine Giggly Jigglies
Huggy Bear
Huggy Bear
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
The Savior
The Savior
The Destroyer
The Destroyer
Hufflepuff Abominable Plushman
Hufflepuff Abominable Plushman
Gryffindor Nargle Plushie
Gryffindor Nargle Plushie
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Abominable Plushman
Slytherin Nargle Plushie
Slytherin Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw House Cup Badge
Ravenclaw House Cup Badge
Hufflepuff Nargle Plushie
Hufflepuff Nargle Plushie
Errol Plushie
Errol Plushie
Black Family Silver Knives
Black Family Silver Knives
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
Trick Wand - Purple
Trick Wand - Purple
Jeweled Firecrab Shell
Jeweled Firecrab Shell
Chocolate Cockatrice
Chocolate Cockatrice
Chocolate Frog Plushie
Chocolate Frog Plushie
Ravenclaw Bunny Rabbit
Ravenclaw Bunny Rabbit
HEXiversary Badge - Nine Years
HEXiversary Badge - Nine Years

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