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105 Members Online

LunaC13's Trophy Case

LunaC13 owns all of these items.

It's OK to contact this user to purchase items in this trophy case.

Luna's Sunflower Hair Clip
Luna's Sunflower Hair Clip
Luna Lovegood's Silver Star Earrings
Luna Lovegood's Silver Star Earrings
Luna's Valentine to Her Dad
Luna's Valentine to Her Dad
James' & Sirius' Two-Way Mirrors
James' & Sirius' Two-Way Mirrors
Lily's Letter
Lily's Letter
Lupin's Chipped Mug
Lupin's Chipped Mug
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban UK
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban UK
Fever Fudge
Fever Fudge
Blood Blisterpod
Blood Blisterpod
2016 Ravenclaw Glasses
2016 Ravenclaw Glasses
2019 Ravenclaw Clapper Hand
2019 Ravenclaw Clapper Hand
Ravenclaw Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Abominable Plushman
Ravenclaw Candy Cane
Ravenclaw Candy Cane
Ravenclaw Dreidel
Ravenclaw Dreidel
Ravenclaw Earmuffs
Ravenclaw Earmuffs
Ravenclaw Gingerbread House
Ravenclaw Gingerbread House
Ravenclaw Gnome
Ravenclaw Gnome
Ravenclaw House Candy Bowl
Ravenclaw House Candy Bowl
Ravenclaw House Centerpiece
Ravenclaw House Centerpiece
Ravenclaw House Cup Seal Stamp
Ravenclaw House Cup Seal Stamp
Ravenclaw House Lantern
Ravenclaw House Lantern
Ravenclaw Linzer
Ravenclaw Linzer
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Nargle Plushie
Ravenclaw Skull Ornament
Ravenclaw Skull Ornament
Ravenclaw Sled
Ravenclaw Sled
Ravenclaw Sparkler
Ravenclaw Sparkler
Ravenclaw Voodoo Doll
Ravenclaw Voodoo Doll
Hufflepuff Gnome
Hufflepuff Gnome
Hufflepuff House Fan
Hufflepuff House Fan
Hufflepuff Linzer
Hufflepuff Linzer
Hufflepuff Mocktail
Hufflepuff Mocktail
Hufflepuff Snuggle Mug
Hufflepuff Snuggle Mug
Hufflepuff Remnant Plushie
Hufflepuff Remnant Plushie
Ravenclaw Remnant Plushie
Ravenclaw Remnant Plushie
Gryffindor Remnant Plushie
Gryffindor Remnant Plushie
Chocolate Skeletons
Chocolate Skeletons
Dalek Pumpkin
Dalek Pumpkin
Graveyard Cupcake
Graveyard Cupcake
Hocus Pocus Pops
Hocus Pocus Pops
Holiday Wizarding Chess
Holiday Wizarding Chess
Irish Lollipops
Irish Lollipops
Merperson Cave Art
Merperson Cave Art
Nargle-Infested Mistletoe
Nargle-Infested Mistletoe
Vampire Fangs
Vampire Fangs
Vampire Float
Vampire Float
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
Hufflepuff Ornament
Hufflepuff Ornament
Ink Well - Hufflepuff
Ink Well - Hufflepuff
Hufflepuff Earmuffs
Hufflepuff Earmuffs
Hufflepuff Party Hat
Hufflepuff Party Hat
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Hufflepuff Nutcracker
Hufflepuff Nutcracker
Dursley's Fireplace Ornament
Dursley's Fireplace Ornament
Mince Pie
Mince Pie

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