75 Members Online

Damiana's Trophy Case

Damiana owns all of these items.

Dumbledore's Army Coin
Dumbledore's Army Coin
Deathly Hallows Token
Deathly Hallows Token
Deathly Hallows Charm
Deathly Hallows Charm
Werewolf Essay
Werewolf Essay
Remus Lupin's Boggart - Full Moon
Remus Lupin's Boggart - Full Moon
Remus Lupin's Medical Kit
Remus Lupin's Medical Kit
Remus' Prefect Badge
Remus' Prefect Badge
Moony Charm
Moony Charm
Grindylow in a Tank
Grindylow in a Tank
James' & Sirius' Two-Way Mirrors
James' & Sirius' Two-Way Mirrors
Sirius' Dog Bowl
Sirius' Dog Bowl
Sirius' Detention Files
Sirius' Detention Files
Kreacher Plushie
Kreacher Plushie
Newt Scamander's Trunk
Newt Scamander's Trunk
Occamy Egg
Occamy Egg
Animal Model - Bowtruckle
Animal Model - Bowtruckle
Animal Model - Demiguise
Animal Model - Demiguise
Animal Model - Jarvey
Animal Model - Jarvey
Dragon Model - Hungarian Horntail
Dragon Model - Hungarian Horntail
Moon Frog
Moon Frog
Erumpent Plushie
Erumpent Plushie
Erumpent Horn
Erumpent Horn
Phoenix Tears
Phoenix Tears
Cedric Diggory Portrait
Cedric Diggory Portrait
Cedric's Quidditch Robes
Cedric's Quidditch Robes
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Neville's Transfigured Guinea Fowl
Neville's Transfigured Guinea Fowl
Golden Owls
Golden Owls
Animal Model - Eagle Owl
Animal Model - Eagle Owl
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Cedric's Valentine to Cho
Hufflepuff Voodoo Doll
Hufflepuff Voodoo Doll
Slytherin Voodoo Doll
Slytherin Voodoo Doll
Gryffindor Voodoo Doll
Gryffindor Voodoo Doll
Tree of Patience
Tree of Patience
Divination Classroom Table
Divination Classroom Table
Ravenclaw Voodoo Doll
Ravenclaw Voodoo Doll
Lockhart's Signature
Lockhart's Signature
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years

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