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118 Members Online

AFam1234's Trophy Case

AFam1234 owns all of these items.

Cho's Patronus
Cho's Patronus
Dumbledore's Patronus
Dumbledore's Patronus
Dolores Umbridge's Patronus
Dolores Umbridge's Patronus
A Cage Filled With Pixies
A Cage Filled With Pixies
Molly's Sweater
Molly's Sweater
Ron's Sweater
Ron's Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Charlie's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Ginny's Sweater
Arthur's Sweater
Arthur's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Percy's Sweater
Dragon Sweater
Dragon Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Harry's Sweater
Weasley Sweater
Weasley Sweater
Bill's Sweater
Bill's Sweater
George's Sweater
George's Sweater
Fred's Sweater
Fred's Sweater
Hufflepuff Mittens
Hufflepuff Mittens
Gryffindor Mittens
Gryffindor Mittens
Slytherin Mittens
Slytherin Mittens
Ravenclaw Mittens
Ravenclaw Mittens
Gryffindor Stocking
Gryffindor Stocking
Ravenclaw Stocking
Ravenclaw Stocking
Hufflepuff Stocking
Hufflepuff Stocking
Slytherin Dreidel
Slytherin Dreidel
Gryffindor Dreidel
Gryffindor Dreidel
Hufflepuff Dreidel
Hufflepuff Dreidel
Hufflepuff Shot Glass
Hufflepuff Shot Glass
Fake Sword Of Godric Gryffindor
Fake Sword Of Godric Gryffindor
Professor Trelawney's Shawl
Professor Trelawney's Shawl
Ravenclaw House Cup - 2003
Ravenclaw House Cup - 2003
Fudge With Nuts
Fudge With Nuts
Gryffindor Candy Cane
Gryffindor Candy Cane
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Live White Mice
Live White Mice
Ministry of Magic Toilet
Ministry of Magic Toilet
Viktor Krum Action Figure
Viktor Krum Action Figure
Dementor's Mistletoe
Dementor's Mistletoe
HBP Poster
HBP Poster
The Hopping Pot
The Hopping Pot
Solid Gold Gobstones
Solid Gold Gobstones
Unicorn Horn
Unicorn Horn
Hermione's Revealer
Hermione's Revealer
Hermione's Spellotape
Hermione's Spellotape
Hermione's Mirror
Hermione's Mirror
Green Lace Coaster from Madam Puddifoot's
Green Lace Coaster from Madam Puddifoot's
Golden Owls
Golden Owls
2020 Award of Excellence
2020 Award of Excellence
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - One Year
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Two Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Three Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Five Years
HEXiversary Badge - Six Years
HEXiversary Badge - Six Years
HEXiversary Badge - Seven Years
HEXiversary Badge - Seven Years
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
HEXiversary Badge - Eight Years
HEXiversary Badge - Thirteen Years
HEXiversary Badge - Thirteen Years
HEXiversary Badge - Fourteen Years
HEXiversary Badge - Fourteen Years

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