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116 Members Online

kaitlinamberxo's Trophy Case

kaitlinamberxo owns all of these items.

Fleur's Wand
Fleur's Wand
Fred's Wand
Fred's Wand
Hermione's Wand
Hermione's Wand
Newt Scamander's Wand
Newt Scamander's Wand
Pansy's Wand
Pansy's Wand
Dumbledore's Wand
Dumbledore's Wand
Narcissa's Wand
Narcissa's Wand
Harry's Wand
Harry's Wand
Professor Sprout's Wand
Professor Sprout's Wand
Gilderoy Lockhart's Wand
Gilderoy Lockhart's Wand
Tonks' Wand
Tonks' Wand
Voldemort's Wand
Voldemort's Wand
Seamus' Wand
Seamus' Wand
Chocolate Wands
Chocolate Wands
Wand Weigher
Wand Weigher
Moonseed Poison
Moonseed Poison
Pile of Emeralds
Pile of Emeralds
Pile of Rubies
Pile of Rubies
Pile of Sapphires
Pile of Sapphires
Pile of Amethysts
Pile of Amethysts
Pile of Dragonstones
Pile of Dragonstones
Pile of Onyxes
Pile of Onyxes
Cho's Patronus
Cho's Patronus
Hermione's Dress
Hermione's Dress
Fleur's Wedding Ring
Fleur's Wedding Ring
Patil Twins' Birthday Tiara
Patil Twins' Birthday Tiara
Tonks' Auror Badge
Tonks' Auror Badge
Jar Of Moonstones
Jar Of Moonstones
St. Patrick Cupcake
St. Patrick Cupcake
Flitwick's Cupcakes
Flitwick's Cupcakes
Fleur's Shell Cottage Oven
Fleur's Shell Cottage Oven
Dementor Cookies
Dementor Cookies
Ghost Cupcake
Ghost Cupcake
Pride Bear
Pride Bear
Valentine Teddy Bear
Valentine Teddy Bear
Frank Bryce's Lily
Frank Bryce's Lily
Bouquet of Lilies
Bouquet of Lilies
Love Concoction
Love Concoction
Neville's Pointed Purple Crystal
Neville's Pointed Purple Crystal
Irish Lollipops
Irish Lollipops
Slytherin Snowflake Charm
Slytherin Snowflake Charm
Hufflepuff Snowflake Charm
Hufflepuff Snowflake Charm
Laurel Leaf Necklace
Laurel Leaf Necklace
Twelve Uses of Dragon's Blood
Twelve Uses of Dragon's Blood
Ron's Teddy Bear
Ron's Teddy Bear
Faberge Egg
Faberge Egg
Oliver Wood's Quidditch Captain Badge
Oliver Wood's Quidditch Captain Badge
Viktor's Dress Robe
Viktor's Dress Robe
Slytherin Easter Egg Charm
Slytherin Easter Egg Charm
Gryffindor Easter Egg Charm
Gryffindor Easter Egg Charm
Hufflepuff Easter Egg Charm
Hufflepuff Easter Egg Charm
Petunia's Hydrangeas
Petunia's Hydrangeas
Cedric's Triwizard Entry
Cedric's Triwizard Entry
Zodiac Charm - Pisces
Zodiac Charm - Pisces
Special Edition Silver Bean Box
Special Edition Silver Bean Box
Ravenclaw Teddy Bear
Ravenclaw Teddy Bear
Gryffindor Teddy Bear
Gryffindor Teddy Bear
Ravenclaw's Spellbook
Ravenclaw's Spellbook
Fungiface Potion
Fungiface Potion
Unicorn's Blood
Unicorn's Blood
Santa's Hat Charm
Santa's Hat Charm
Mummy Cakes
Mummy Cakes
Chocolate Owl Lollipops
Chocolate Owl Lollipops
Rudolph Charm
Rudolph Charm
Gryffindor Champagne Charm
Gryffindor Champagne Charm
Hufflepuff Champagne Charm
Hufflepuff Champagne Charm
Ravenclaw Champagne Charm
Ravenclaw Champagne Charm
Slytherin Champagne Charm
Slytherin Champagne Charm
Gryffindor Badge of Bravery
Gryffindor Badge of Bravery
Molly's Sweater Cookies
Molly's Sweater Cookies
New York City Map
New York City Map
Mermaid Window
Mermaid Window
Key to Harry's Vault
Key to Harry's Vault
Ravenclaw Ice Skates
Ravenclaw Ice Skates
Rose Oil
Rose Oil
Slug Club Dessert
Slug Club Dessert
House Elf  Figurine
House Elf Figurine
Parvati's Yule Ball Dress
Parvati's Yule Ball Dress
Mrs. Finnigan's Crystal Collection
Mrs. Finnigan's Crystal Collection
Crup Plushie
Crup Plushie
Beauxbatons Horse Plushie
Beauxbatons Horse Plushie
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years
HEXiversary Badge - Four Years

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