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Full Profile of Sapphire_Phoenix

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Sapphire_Phoenix OFFLINE

Real Name: Max
Location: USA
Join Date: February 15, 2024
Responsibilities: Caretakers, HINT, Magical Archives
How do you spend your time when not on HEX? You can probably find me on stage! I’m always involved in one production or another. I also like to write.
How did you become interested in Harry Potter? My older sister loved the series, so it was really only a matter of time before I gained interest. My old childhood friend also told me all about the wizarding world, and we would take sorting quizzes together, even though I knew very little about the houses.
Favorite movies: Star Wars (Revenge of the Sith specifically), Cars, Spider-Man (MCU)
Favorite food: Sushi
Fun Fact: I prefer tea over coffee, but neither makes me energized


22 Years of Magic
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