picklebuddy7's Gilded Rose


"To gild the lily" means to take something already beautiful, and try to make it even better. It comes with negative connotations when thought of as wasteful. But when you turn that flower differently to view it in a different light, a new story can be told from that expression. Why not mean that despite reaching a goal, more effort is given. That despite being told one has done 'well enough', they can push beyond the boundaries and strive for even more. If a gilded lily holds negative thoughts, may the gilded rose hold the positive :) May you always continue shining, even when you feel it isn't needed. ....Plus, this matches the roses you currently have in your T.C xDD TAKE THE DAMN FLOWER! Merry Hexmas, Misti! - Tin

Heeheehee, she makes me laugh. xD <3