The Welcome Center is a forum dedicated not only to welcoming new users but to helping all users as they explore the site. The Welcome Center Moderators, along with some dedicated users, are very active in the forum and look forward to answering your questions. We also encourage you to participate in our monthly activities!

Of special note is the Knowledge Base, which is an overall guide to just about everything on HEX and a great resource for navigating the site.

Equally exciting, the New User Area is an area dedicated to showing new users around HEX through the use of interactive tasks and endeavors - and they give out Galleon rewards for completion.

So if ever you feel lost, go straight to the Welcome Center and someone will be more than happy to help you out.
Staffgreenjelly, MsVera
GmodsCustardApple, Miss Padfoot
ModsAutumnsunsets, bemused, Emily, QuietGirl, its_monika